
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Advising Sessions at CASA Student Success Center

With Spring 2015 enrollment right around the corner, many students are inquiring about support for academic planning.    As you consider your courses, I have the following recommendations: 

  1. Review the Advising Forms  for your concentration (pathway through the HS major).  These forms are fillable PDF files so you can work on them on your electronic device.   
  2. Plan your courses working backwards from your expected graduation date.  In your final semester in the HS major you will take HS 165 and if you are in the Health Services Administration concentration you will also be enrolling in fieldwork - HS 166A and HS 166B. 
  3. All of our core Health Science courses are offered in both the Spring and Fall, but the Health Services Administration courses are not all offered in both semesters (noted on the advising forms). 
  4. Take HS 100W as soon as possible.
  5. Health Services Administration Concentration students will want to take HS 162 as soon as possible - HS 100W is a pre or co-requisite. 
  6. All core courses are restricted to declared Majors and Minors, with the exception of HS 135 which is open to all students because it is an upper division GE Area S course.    If you are not yet declared in the Major you need to apply.  We have an early admissions process happening right now - if you have completed at least 12 units of coursework on campus.  If you have not completed 12 units on campus - you can apply in January when you have finished your fall courses (check back). 
  7. Still have questions or want to talk about your schedule???? Attend an advising session at the CASA Student Success Center (MH 533) on the 2nd or 4th Monday of the month from 5-6:30 PM.   (Next session - October 27th)

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