
Advising Forms

Health Science Advising Forms & Major Forms
The HS Advising Forms are fillable PDF files that can be downloaded and saved.  You will need a copy of your unofficial transcripts to accurately complete these forms and you will be asked to bring a hard copy - or electronic copy of your forms to any advising appointment that you schedule.

HS Advising Forms
Fillable student advising forms and academic planning worksheets are available for the BS in Health Science, Health Services Administration concentration and the BS in Health Science with upper division electives or a minor.

HS Major Forms
The Major Form is the official department approval or your academic plan that will lead to your successful completion of the major requirements.  The Major Form is not required to be completed until you apply for graduation (once you reach 90 units).  Fillable Major Forms are available for students who are declared in Health Science (with electives or a minor) and for students declared in Health Science, Health Services Administration concentration.  For students who have a declared concentration that is no longer offered, please contact the HS Advisor for the appropriate Major Form.

University Forms 

Unofficial GE Advising Worksheet 
This form can be used to confirm that you have met your GE requirements for graduation.  This is an unofficial University worksheet.

Change of Major Forms
  1. Use this form to change your major or change your concentration if you have earned less than 90 units (total units earned for all college).  Read the directions completely so your paperwork can be processed efficiently and remember to include a copy of your unofficial transcripts. 
  2. Use this form to change your major or change your concentration if you have earned more than 90 units (total units earned for all college).  Read the directions completely so your paperwork can be processed efficiently and remember to include a copy of your unofficial transcripts and you will also need to complete Major Form.  
Graduation Application Form
Students can apply for graduation once 90 units have been earned.  The graduation application form requires a completed and approved Major Form as well.  

Graduation Date Change Form
If something changes and you need to change your projected graduation date - after you have applied for graduation - you need to complete this form

Substitution Form 
You only need to complete a substitution form for coursework that is different than what was submitted with your graduation application and major form.  If you have not yet applied for graduation, substitutions can be indicated on the Major Form directly when you apply for graduation.  Approved substitutions automatically include prep courses that articulate from a California Community College. Any substitution for major or concentration courses requires department approval.   

If you are close to 60 units earned and you want to enroll in HS 100W or other SJSU studies courses (R, S, V) then you may consider the petition.  The petition will likely be approved if you are close to 60 units and demonstrate a history of adequately completing courses you enroll in.  The petition, even if approved, will not be processed until the first day of classes for the semester in which you are petitioning enrollment in SJSU studies courses while still in lower division standing.  This means that you will not be able to enroll in these courses until the beginning of the semester.    

Excess Units Petition 
For graduating seniors who want to enroll in more than 16 units (to a max of 21).  The form will be available on Monday August 11 and the filing period is August 11 - September 5 through the Office of the Registrar forms.  

Other University forms can be found at the Office of the Registrar or through AARS and through Undergraduate Studies.   

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