
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Spring 2015 Enrollment Process Changes

Spring 2015 enrollment begins next week and there are some important changes in the registration process.   Here are the top three changes that will influence your enrollment experience.

  1. There will be no permission code survey - which means - the department will not be issuing permission codes for any core HS courses. 
  2. HS 158 will not be offered in the spring. Students who were planning on enrolling in this core course will be able to substitute this course for any upper division course on campus.  By next week,  I'll provide some ideas of courses that you might consider. 
  3. Just as a reminder - HS 159A and HS 159 B will not be offered Spring 2015, Fall 2015, or Spring 2016.   As a general rule, anyone who is graduating by Fall 2016 will be substituting HS 159 (for HS 159A) and HS 164 (for HS 159B). 
If you have advising questions - drop by MacQuarrie Hall room 409 Monday 11/3 or Wednesday 11/5 between 3-4 to check in with an advisor. 

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