
Transfer Students FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions and Good Resources

1.   What classes should I register to take in Fall 2016?

To get started, there are two great resources to help you plan your roadmap through Health Science. First, check out the Advising Worksheets available on the Health Science Advising Blog ("Course Planning" tab) to help you plan your courses: http://hsadvising.blogspot.com/

Also, check out these suggested roadmaps (scroll to Health Science & Recreation): http://www.sjsu.edu/advising/roadmaps/

Most transfer students will have taken an articulated class to HS 1, HS 15, and HS 67 at a community college (see FAQ 2 below). However, most students will not have articulated classes for HS 25 or HS 74. If you have completed articulated classes for HS 1, HS 15, and HS 67, then we suggest the following courses for your first semester at SJSU:
HS 100W (if you have taken and passed the WST)
HS 74
HS 25
And any of the following: HS 158, HS 161, HS 167, HS 135, HS 162

If you have not yet taken and passed the WST, we recommend doing that as soon as possible. If you cannot register for 100W yet, you can still take HS 74, HS 25, HS 158, HS 161, HS 167.

You can also take upper division electives (which are helpful if you would like to pursue the electives pathway to completing the major).

If you have not taken the lower division preparatory classes (HS 1, HS 15, HS 67) at a community college, we recommend you take those in your first semester in the major.

2.   How can I find out if my community college classes articulate?

You can look up your college at this website and check whether the class you completed is currently articulated: http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/artic/all-school-to-school.html

Any class that is articulated to STAT 95 can count towards HS 67.
Any class that is articulated to CHAD 67/70 can count towards HS 15.

If you think a course you took should articulate, but it does not currently list an articulation agreement, check in with an advisor at the beginning of fall semester to review the specific course.

3.   How many units should I register for?

We recommend most students take 15 units. That is the number of units you would need to take to graduate in four semesters. However, if you are working many hours or anticipate other obligations, we recommend taking fewer units. You are permitted to register for 18 units without any special permission.

4.   How should I decide whether to do the concentration in Health Services Administration?

We recommend that students take HS 162 early in their time in the major. That class is a pre-requisite for the concentration courses and many students find that if they enjoy that class, they enjoy the concentration. Likewise, students who do not enjoy that class often decide to not take the concentration.

Other options for pursuing the B.S. degree include adding a minor or taking electives throughout the University. The electives pathway is good for students who want to take pre-requisites for pursuing a further degree or have a specific passion outside Health Science.

5.   How should I decide what minor to add?

If there is another department that you are really interested in, then a minor might be a great option for you. Students in our major take minors throughout the University, including in Human Rights, Nutrition, Psychology, Child and Adolescent Development, Biology, Anthropology and more. You can find out more about minors by looking through the SJSU degrees here: http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/catalog/degrees/all-degrees.html

6.   What student groups are there for me to join?

The Health Science & Recreation Department have a number of active student groups. You can find out more at the Welcome event – date TBA . We recommend you consider joining the Health Science Honors Society, the Health Leadership Organization, Health Science Undergraduate Student Association, and/or the Peer Advisors.

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