
Friday, November 15, 2013

Spring 2014 Course Enrollment Questions, Problems, Status Updates

There are a number of questions that folks have about our spring enrollment process and when codes will be distributed.  Here is a summary of what is happening - at this time.   If you are not familiar with the HS course numbering or want to review our curriculum - please see the online catalog for more information.

With all courses and with all permission codes that are issued by the department:  It is important that you use the code to enroll in the course within 24 hours so your code is not given to another student.  If you do not use a code in a timely manner and your code is given to another student, you run the risk of not getting a seat in a course that you may need.  

Prep Courses
These courses are available for all SJSU students and are required for all HS majors. Some prep courses are required for HS minors.  

Anyone can enroll, frosh/soph priority, courses are available for GE credit
HS 1
HS 15
HS 67

HS 74:  Anyone can enroll in this course.  Can be taken concurrently with HS 104.  HS 1 is recommended as a pre-requisite.  

HS 102:  Anyone can enroll in this course, but currently, enrollment is restricted to students who are in UD standing. If you want to enroll in this course and you have completed less than 60 units, please email the Health Science Department with your number 1 and number 2 section choices. HS 1 is recommended before enrolling in HS 102.   You can co-enroll in HS 15, 67, and 74. 

Core Major Courses
Unless otherwise indicated, these courses are for HS majors and minors only  

HS 104:  Enrollment codes will be sent out by Monday 11/18/13 to students who completed the enrollment survey and have successfully met the required prerequisite courses (1, 15, 67).  

HS 158:  Enrollment codes will be sent out by Monday 11/18/13 to students who completed the enrollment survey,  have successfully met the required prerequisite courses (1, 15, 67), and who have passed 104.  If you indicated on the survey that you want to co-enroll in HS 104 and 158, you will be given a code for HS 104. You can contact an advisor to discuss your course options to avoid taking these two courses together.  

HS 161:  Currently, this course is being restricted to department consent, but we are working with the university to lift this restriction and allow open enrollment. If you want to enroll in this course - and be notified when this restriction is lifted, please email the department.    ** Restrictions have been lifted - enroll! **

HS 165:  Students who have applied for spring 2014 graduation will be sent add codes from the department during the week of 11/18/13.   No need to email or contact anyone.  **Codes have been sent to eligible students**

HS 166 A/B:  Codes will be issued for fieldwork at the fieldwork expo - more information will be coming, but please save the first friday of December for this event. **Codes will now be issued by the department directly - to students who are graduating in spring 2014**

HS 159:  HS 159A was not scheduled correctly and we are not going to be able to offer this new course in Spring 2014.   If you are graduating by Fall 2014, you have successfully met the required pre-requisites, and you completed the enrollment survey, you will be issued a code to one of the HS 159 sections as soon as we have codes to issue.   Please be patient while we wait for permission codes to be sent to us.   If you are not graduating in 2014 you are not going to be given priority for this course.  **Codes have been sent to eligible students**

HS 103, 162, 167:  These courses should be open for enrollment without instructor or department consent. 

HS 135:  This course is open to all as an upper division GE. 

Concentration Courses that have enrollment issues right now

HS 171:  This course is restricted by department consent.  The HS department is issuing codes to students who are Administration Concentration majors and have successfully passed HS 162.  Enrollment is limited to 30 students and priority will be given to those students who will be graduating in Spring or Fall 2014.  **Department restriction for this course has been lifted*

**Update** If you did not receive a code to HS 171, you can substitute this course with any of the new Administration courses available this spring (HS 173 or HS 175) or the new Health Policy course - HS 103.   If you have already applied for graduation, we will need to complete a substitution form.  

** If you have experienced an enrollment challenge with another HS course, please let me know, so I can post the problem and work on a solution. ** (Thanks! ~anji~) 

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