
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SJSU Studies courses

University Standing
A student is in lower division standing when 59 or fewer units have been completed in all college coursework.  A student is in upper division standing when 60 or more units have been completed.   http://info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/schedules/rec-558.html

SJSU studies courses
Areas R, S, V, and Z are the upper division general education requirements for all SJSU students and require students be in upper division standing in order to enroll. SJSU Studies explained in the Catalog

Area Z - 100W

  • This course requires the passing of the WST and a minimum of 60 completed units in order to enroll through my.sjsu without further support or petitioning.   If a student wants to enroll in 100W while still in Lower Division standing (and has passed the WST), there is a petition to complete and deliver to the undergraduate studies office for consideration.  If approved, this form will be submitted to the registrar on the first day of the semester.   Once your petition has been received by the registrar's office you should be able to enroll in 100W with an add code from the instructor.  This work happens during the first week of the semester and Sophomores petitioning to take 100W have the lowest priority for enrollment.  With that said, many petitioning Sophomores are successful in finding a section that is open.  
Area R, S, V

  • Areas R, S, and V all require a pre (or) co-requisite of 100W to enroll.  
  • Area S - for HS majors - is satisfied through our curriculum and core major course (HS 135)
  • Areas R and V need to be taken in a department other than HS  

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