
Sunday, October 6, 2013

How can you get your advising questions answered?

If you have questions about your academic plan, graduation, or just general undergraduate advising, you are likely to answer your questions with a little extra effort on your part. Some of the resources I would recommend include:

  •  The SJSU Advising Hub is a great place to start. The Advising Hub has a lengthly list of published FAQ, links to forms, general information, transfer student information, and forms. 
  •  The Department Advising forms that are available in the KIOSK outside the Health Science Department in MacQuarrie Hall Room 407. The KIOSK contains a number of helpful advising forms for the Department and the University. Be sure to pick up the advising form that is specific to your selected concentration in Health Science. 
  •  Drop in for advising with the Health Science Peer Advisors. The peer advisors are all an excellent resource for live advising. They know our HS curriculum, they have experienced our courses first hand, and they want to help! You can find the Peer Advisors outside the HS office Monday through Thursdays generally between the hours of 11 and 4. Please consult the flyer for exact hours of availability. Attend a group advising session. 
  •  The University offers group advising sessions for various advising related tasks. The registrar's office is hosting graduation advising workshops for all students with more than 90 units. Visit the registrar's webpage for the dates of these workshops. 
  •  The Health Science Department Advising Team will be hosting some group sessions to be planned later this month - there will be another post soon announcing these dates! 
 If all of the above resources have not helped you answer your question, email me (anji.buckner@sjsu.edu) - because you have a great question and I would like to answer it here!

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