
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Fall 2016 Course Availability and Late Enrollment

Late registration for Fall 2016 will begin Wednesday at 7 am.  At that time, if you have been issued a permission code, you should be able to use it.  Once you are given a code, you will want to use it as soon as you can so course enrollment is as accurate as possible for the instructors.

If you are still looking for fall HS major course options, the following courses are under-enrolled:
HS 25, section 5
HS 117, section 2
HS 100W, sections 3 and 8

If you are shopping around for any courses this fall, (including the courses above), attend the class on the first day and let the instructor know that you are wanting to add the course.  If you are eligible (in standing and pre-requisites) the instructor may be able to give you a permission code that will allow your enrollment.  If there are more students who want to add the course then there is room in the course, the instructor may rank students according to standing and/or select students via lottery.  Students who have a senior verification card will be prioritized over all others who want to add.

Once again - If you are given a permission code, please use it as soon as possible so our course enrollment is accurate.  Late registration will begin on Wednesday, 8/24 at 7 am.

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