
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fall 2016 Health Science Undergraduate Advising Update

Health Science Advising
Fall 2016

Drop in advising with faculty and peer advisors will be available for students throughout the semester. You do not need to schedule an appointment for advising; all appointments will be first come first served. You can reach faculty advisors by email at health-science-advising@sjsu.edu and reach the peer advisors by email at hs.peer.advisors@gmail.com

Faculty advising will begin Monday, August 29.
Peer advising will begin Tuesday, September 6.

The following are tasks that Peer Advisors can help with:
  • Course and schedule planning
  • Questions about the major or minor in health science
  • Questions about careers for health science majors
  • Help with locating and filling out forms
  • Advice on classes, instructors, etc.

Peer Advisors will be tabling in the hallway across from the HS Office, by SPX 201
Monday 9:30-12:00
Tuesday 9:30-5:00
Wednesday 10:00-12:00 & 3:00-5:00
Thursday 9:00-11:30 & 2:30-4:30

If you have any of the following requests, these can usually be handled through Document Review. Simply submit your completed paperwork to the Health Science Office in SPX 201 for review by an advisor.

Graduation Application (be sure to submit a completed Major Form and a copy of your unofficial transcript and either a completed graduation application or a note stating that you used the online application)
  • Graduation date change
  • Course drop
  • Substitutions 
  • Excess unit petition
  • Petition to take upper division courses while lower division standing
  • Change of major to add or remove the HSA concentration
  • Change of minor to add a minor in Health Professions or Health Science

The following are tasks that Faculty Advisors can help with:
  • Any of the forms noted above if you require help
  • Career advice or mentoring
  • Degree conferment problems

Faculty Advising will be available at these hours. Please check the sign on the HS Office for locations.
Monday 3-4
Tuesday 10-11 & 1:30-3:30
Wednesday 12-4
Thursday  10-11 & 1:30-3:30

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Fall 2016 Course Availability and Late Enrollment

Late registration for Fall 2016 will begin Wednesday at 7 am.  At that time, if you have been issued a permission code, you should be able to use it.  Once you are given a code, you will want to use it as soon as you can so course enrollment is as accurate as possible for the instructors.

If you are still looking for fall HS major course options, the following courses are under-enrolled:
HS 25, section 5
HS 117, section 2
HS 100W, sections 3 and 8

If you are shopping around for any courses this fall, (including the courses above), attend the class on the first day and let the instructor know that you are wanting to add the course.  If you are eligible (in standing and pre-requisites) the instructor may be able to give you a permission code that will allow your enrollment.  If there are more students who want to add the course then there is room in the course, the instructor may rank students according to standing and/or select students via lottery.  Students who have a senior verification card will be prioritized over all others who want to add.

Once again - If you are given a permission code, please use it as soon as possible so our course enrollment is accurate.  Late registration will begin on Wednesday, 8/24 at 7 am.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Room Locations for Welcome Assembly and Afternoon Advising

Welcome Assembly 1-2 WSQ 109

Afternoon Advising 2-4 PM

Health Science

  • Advising for transfer students: MQH 233
  • Advising for continuing Health Science students: MQH 234
  • Graduation Application workshop: MQH 235
  • Advising for Recreation students: MQH 322 & MQH 323
Student Organizations

  • Learn more about the Health Science Honor Society: MQH 423

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fall Welcome Assembly, Monday August 22

We are looking forward to seeing you all next week as we launch the Fall 2016 semester at San Jose State! 

Our department is holding a Fall Welcome Assembly on Monday August 22 from 1 - 2pm in WSH 109 and we hope you can join us. 

We will be giving fall semester updates, introducing our faculty, and reconnecting after the summer.

Student organizations will be tabling and holding breakout sessions after the assembly and there will be opportunities for advising from 2 - 4. 

We especially encourage transfer students and ongoing students who need support with their fall schedules to come for last minute advising. Additionally, students graduating Spring or Summer 2017 who haven't applied for graduation are encouraged to attend to complete graduation paperwork.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fall 2016 Semester - right around the corner!

A few fall semester enrollment updates --

1.  The excess units petition is now available - http://www.sjsu.edu/registrar/forms/index.html

2.  There are still four sections of HS 100W with plenty of openings:

  • Sec 1, TR, 9 - 10:15 (8 openings)
  • Sec 3, TR, 1:30 - 2:45 (16 openings)
  • Sec 7, T, 3 - 5:45 (14 openings)
  • Sec 9, MW, 9 - 10:15 (13 openings) 
3.  HS 117, section 02 (Tuesdays 3:00) also has openings and this is a great option for Health Services Administration concentration students to consider - or anyone needing upper division electives.  

4.  The department will have a fall Welcome Assembly on Monday 8/22 in the afternoon.  Faculty advisors will be available to assist with academic planning and graduation applications.  Please look for an email from the department in the coming week.

5.  Following are some important fall registration dates: 

Sunday, August 21 - Advance registration ends at 11:59.  No registration activity Monday, 8/22-Tuesday 8/23

Wednesday, August 24-Tuesday, September 13 - Late registration period - permission numbers required for instructor/department consent courses.

Tuesday, September 6th - last day to drop a course with a W grade and without a petition

Tuesday, September 13th - last day to add a course, change credit/no credit options, submit instructor drops