
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fall 2015 Enrollment Update

Fall 2015 is right around the corner and our courses are filling up!  Following are some last minute reminders, possibilities, and opportunities for your fall schedule.

  1. Fall Welcome Assembly will be held on 8/19 12:00-4:00 - all students should plan on attending (more information to come soon)
  2. There are still a few openings in many of our Health Science Fall courses: 
    • Prep Courses with openings - HS 1 and 67
    • Core Courses with openings - HS 100W, 103, 161, 162, 167, 164
    • Elective options with openings - HS 107, 108, 111, 140, 172
  3. We are working on adding another section of HS 135 - so, check the schedule for a new section and we are trying to add another section of HS 25 as well.
  4. A few suggestions on course sequencing to keep in mind: 
    • HS 165 is a course that you should be taking in your final semester.  If you're graduating Fall 2015  you should be enrolled in this course, otherwise, you should not. 
    • HS 166A/B is the fieldwork seminar and you need to enroll in both courses in the same semester.   This is required for all Health Services Administration Concentration majors and should be taken in your final semester - along with HS 165. 
    • HS 159 is required of all students and should be taken the semester prior to your graduation semester. If you are on track to graduate in Spring 2016 you should be enrolled.  If you are not - you are strongly, strongly advised to enroll in other HS courses.  
    • HS 158 is not being offered this fall and if you planned to take this course you can enroll in any upper division 3-unit course as a substitute.  I recommend the elective options that were listed above.  
    • HS 164 is an option for seniors who are enrolled in 159 or 165. 
    • As soon as you're eligible for 100W you should enroll in this course.  If you are in the HSA concentration you are advised to enroll in HS 100W and 162 as soon as you can. 
  5. We have a lot of student clubs and getting involved on campus is a great way to meet people, find peer support, and balance your academic load with some fun.  Representatives from the student clubs will be available at the fall welcome so you can learn more about these opportunities.  
If you have questions about academic advising and want to meet with a faculty advisor we will be available at the fall welcome assembly and our fall advising hours will be made available at that time.

Enjoy your last week of summer and we will see you all on 8/19 for the fall welcome.

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