
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Spring Registration Update

The spring schedule and registration problems are nearly resolved.

  • HS 159, 171, 173, 175, ad 166A/B have had the department consent removed and all eligible students can now enroll.   
  • HS 167 is clearly connected to their lab requirement, thus allowing students to successfully enroll.  
  • HS 117 is still not showing up in the schedule.
  • 11/15/14 ** HS 165 is now available for enrollment by eligible students
  • HS 117 is now back in the schedule and if you need a concentration course this one still has openings. 
The problem that many students are still encountering is with the required pre-requisites.   If you are currently enrolled in a course that is an upper division pre-requisite to another course that you intend to take in the Spring semester, you will not be able to enroll in the spring course until you have successfully completed the pre-requisite.   The system will not recognize the completion of the pre-req course (if you are currently enrolled in it) until fall grades are officially posted.  If you receive a C or better in the pre-req course then the system will allow you to enroll in the spring course.   

The department will not be issuing add codes to courses this semester, with a few exceptions for individuals who are prevented from enrolling in courses due to a unique situation.  The situations that will be considered for department review include students who are newly admitted to the major, students who have completed an approved 100W course in a different department, and students who are declared in HS, but still in lower division standing (and there are no additional/applicable courses to take).  In these cases, students are asked to **submit a petition** to the department with documentation for review by the Program Advisor first and if applicable, the Interim Department Chair.   If you feel that you qualify for this consideration, please download and complete the petition and deliver your petition packet to the HS Office in MacQuarrie Hall Room 407.  

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