
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Course Match

Over the past few months I have had many inquiries about online courses at SJSU and I may reference a program called CourseMatch.  Since this may be a viable option for many students to consider for upper division elective courses and possible SJSU Area Studies courses, I wanted to share a few quick resources to ease the access of information for this CSU-wide program.   ** Please be mindful that online courses require significant time management and personal motivation. The online course environment is very different from in person, on-campus courses and this may not be the best option for everyone - even if you are desperate for classes.   A failing grade in an online course is the same as a failing grade in a campus-based in person course. ** 

Course Match is a CSU program that intends to make online courses offered at any CSU accessible to all CSU students.  The way the program works is that you identify a course that you are interested in and then you submit an application to the SJSU registrar and from there our university negotiates your enrollment with the other (host) campus.  If your application is accepted, you will be instructed on how to enroll in the course.    The contact person in the Registrar's office at our SJSU campus is: Sophie Lanh (408) 924-2062.   Before you contact the registrar's office, please review the course match page and also the registrar's frequently asked questions page.

If you want to use the course as an upper division elective for the HS major, please be sure the course is upper division at the host university.  On our campus, upper division courses are numbered 100-199, but this is not necessarily the same for all CSU's - so you will have to confirm that the course is truly upper division.  You will also need to be mindful of units - particularly if the course is offered at one of our CSU's still on the quarter system as the units are not equivalent to the semester units.  If you want to use a CourseMatch course to satisfy your SJSU Area Studies (upper division GE) you will have to seek approval from a GE advisor prior to enrolling in the course so you can be sure that it will be counted for this requirement.     All of this could easily take a week or two, so plan ahead if you are interested in pursuing one of these courses.

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