
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Spring 2014 Health Science Advising

Now that the excitement of enrollment and first week jitters are (nearly) behind us we can focus on the semester that lay ahead.

While you are working hard in your courses - engaged, thinking critically, and motivated to learn - the advising team will be creating ways to support your understanding of the HS curriculum and academic planning.     What we are already offering (or plan to):

1.  Group advising sessions - on campus and online - beginning in late February
2.  Drop-in advising with the peer advisors beginning the first week of February
3.  One on one appointment's available with the department advisor - use the tool on this blog to schedule an appointment. 

In addition to these advising services, we want to create some helpful online tools, such as instructional videos or screencasts, that can answer your questions.  

If you have an idea that you'd like to see us implement or a question that you'd like us to answer, please tell us!

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