
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Spring 2014 Spring Enrollment Update

Here is an updated view of the open (and full) HS courses - as of Tuesday morning 10 AM. If you need to add a course, please follow these steps: 1. Attend class - you may need to attend several different sections and try this process multiple times ... keep trying! 2. Approach instructor (when asked) or at the end of class regarding an add code 3. If there are only a few open seats and many students who want/need to add - priority will be given to students who are Seniors, then Juniors (and so on). 4. If you need advising ... because you didn't get into a class you need or you changed your schedule and need to talk - I will be available for drop in hours on Wednesday afternoon - beginning at 4:30 and Monday from 3-4. If these hours do not work for you, please let me know and we can find a time to talk. Peer Advisors will start hosting drop-in advising hours next week as well - check back later this week for an update on their hours.

Enrollment update link (live)


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  2. Board will release 12th exam routine of bseb board only at www.pseb.ac.in & leading news papers. students are eager to download Clickhere
