
Monday, February 2, 2015

HS 164 and HS 100W openings for SP15

Attention all Health Science majors: If you are enrolled in HS 159 or you have completed HS 159 you can consider enrolling in HS 164. The course has low enrollment and we are in need of additional students. If you're interested, please attend class today (Monday, February 2nd) at 3:00 in BBC 202. For most HS majors, HS 164 can be used as core major requirement (to replace HS 159B) or it can be used as an upper division elective. We also have room in the new 100W friday morning section. We opened up the new section given demand for the course and now we need students to enroll! Please contact the HS office to inquire about the Friday morning 100W section.

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