
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome to Fall 2014!

Welcome back to campus!

Another great semester awaits us and before all of the announcements and important messages that will follow - I wish you all a fantastic semester - full of growth, learning, critical thought, and engagement.  Now for the announcements and messages:

1.  Senior Verification Cards will be available to eligible seniors beginning Tuesday.  If you are eligible you should have received a message with instructions through my.sjsu.  If you have questions, please contact AARS at (408) 924-2129.

2.  Dwight Bentel Hall has unexpectedly closed due to water damage and is awaiting repairs.   If you have a class scheduled in Dwight Bentel this Monday or Tuesday you are being asked to please head to the new Student Union Ballrooms A & B and find the table with your classroom number on it.   Your instructor will be meeting you there and further instructions will then be given.  The University hopes to have temporary classrooms for all classes affected by later this week.

3.  The Health Science Fall 2014 enrollment update is not ideal.  We are currently over-enrolled and as a result, faculty have been instructed to not issue add codes to any student under any circumstance.   Some students will be eligible to petition the department for an add code, these students include those who have financial aid agreements that require full-time status and students who are graduating this academic year.   If you feel that you meet these criteria and you want to petition you need to compile documentation to explain your case, including:  For seniors - present your senior verification card, a copy of your graduation worksheet indicating the courses that you still need, a printout of the courses that you are currently enrolled in, and a list of those you still need to take.  For students with Financial Aid agreements you need to show evidence of financial aid, a printout of your current courses, and a note indicating the course and section in which you are requesting.    You should drop off the documentation with the Health Science office staff and the Interim Department Chair will review your case.  You  should receive a decision within 24-48 hours.   The HS Office Staff and Chair will not be responding to individual email inquiries for codes.   If you want to add a course and you meet the stated criteria, your case will only be considered if you follow the process above.   While waiting, please attend class.  

4.  If you are looking for an elective course, here are some courses that are still open and appear promising, relevant, and interesting - thus, potentially worthy of your consideration.

MCOM 105: Lifestyles, Diversity, and the Media - T TH 1:30-2:45
GERO/SOCI 166: Medical Sociology M 6:00-8:45 PM
SOCI 116: Global Society T 6-8:45
SOCI 120: Contemporary Social Issues MW 1:30-2:45
SOCI 162: Race and Ethnic Relations MW 4:30-5:45
SOCI 163: Social Change MW 4:30-5:45
SOCI 164: Social Action TTh 10:30-11:45
SOCI 165: Poverty, Wealth and Privilege TTh 3-4:15
SOCI 169: Political Sociology TTh 1:30-2:45
SOCI 170: Sociology of Family T 6-8:45
SOCI 172: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Studies TTh 1:30-2:45
ANTH 108: Medical Anthropology TTh 10:30-11:45
ANTH 122: Magic, Science and Religion MW 10:30-11:45 or TTh 3-4:15
ANTH 130: Kin, Kith, and Community: The Anthropolgy of Social Organization MW 10:30-11:45
ANTH 140: Human Sexuality (multiple offerings available)
URBP 103: Local Government and Politics T 6-8:45
CA 172: Arts in US Society TTh 7:30-8:45 AM
CA 134: Religion Film & Media Online
POLS 130: Making Public Policy

PSYC 126: Drugs +Brain and Behavior

5.  Another course resource is CourseMatch, which is the pilot program to increase access to online courses across the entire CSU system.   To see what courses are available, check the CourseMatch webpage.   There is an application and approval process, so, if you want to pursue this option, please get started with the process as soon as possible.   Here is a tip sheet to see if you're ready for an online course.  

Wishing you a pleasant start.   Feel free to stop by during drop-in advising, come to the student success center events, and don't forget to pay attention to the deadlines.   

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